I'm Jerry and welcome to my website, I appreciate the opportunity to tell you a little about myself. |
I am a DevOps Architect and Manager based out of Chicago. I've been designing and building large scale data acquisition, distribution and dissemination systems, primarily for Financial Services for the last 19 years. I've designed, implemented and managed a wide variety of systems over the years, including: |
- Trading/Order Entry
- Security Master Systems
- Price Valuation
- Portfolio Management and Reporting
- Performance Reporting
- Portfolio Auditing and Compliance
- Risk Management
- Data Feeds, ETL and Warehousing
I work across most asset categories: Equities, Fixed Income, Exchange Traded Derivatives and Commodities, OTC |
I specialize both in Systems Implementation (Hardware and Software) as well as Application Development. I've been doing Systems for around 25 years and Development a few years more. While I'm primarily Windows based, I also work with Linux and UNIX variants. Back in the day, I was a killer VMS admin and dabbled in many other systems. Of course, if you really want to get my engines fired up, let me help you build a high speed messaging system using MSMQ (Microsoft Message Queues) or MQ Series.
And while I've written over a million lines of FORTRAN, I primarily use .Net (C#, VB.Net) today, but still love Delphi (and I continue to coexist with C++). From an RDBMS point of view, Transact SQL and SQL Server 2014 is my current database of choice, but I've done most of the modern RDBMS (Oracle, Sybase, MySQL, DB2, etc), and a few too many not so modern database systems.
Now, yes, I realize that's rather unusual to find someone who does both Systems and Development but that comes mainly from my dual interests, along with my educational experience. |
You see, prior to moving to the private sector to do Financial Services, I was an Experimental Particle Physicist. Experimental physicists tend to have to do everything themselves because they are designing and building systems that no one else has ever built before.
There are no factories that build particle accelerators, calorimeters, wire chambers and similar equipment. Nor are there off the shelf applications for tracking bosons, leptons and other subatomic particles. So we pretty much had to do everything: building our own experimental hardware, setting up our own data collection systems and computers as well as writing our own data collection applications and our own analysis tools.
I primarily worked at Fermilab outside of Chicago, but also at Brookhaven out on Long Island, and, of course, at CERN outside of Geneva Switzerland. Amazingly enough a lot of my later work back in the first half of the 1990's was doing design and testing for the LHC, "The God Particle Machine" that's been in the news recently for finally coming online and starting to produce amazing discoveries.
If you have the time, I'd love to have you stick around and take a look at my online resume. I am, and have been, an independent consultant for the last decade and am always looking for new clients. Although, who knows, perhaps if the right opportunity came along, I might be tempted to settle down permanently. |